Na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja se že nekaj let opaža, da izhaja izredno veliko različnih knjig in publikacij, spletni forumi so preplavljeni z vzgojno tematiko, ogromno je nasvetov in priporočil. Različnih »strokovnjakov«, ki delijo instant rešitve in nasvete za vse vzgojne tegobe, je nepregledno število. Obenem pa se opaža, da je vedno več vzgojnih težav, da so starši in strokovni delavci pri svojem delovanju vedno bolj zmedeni in negotovi. Otroci so vedno bolj nesamostojni in neodgovorni. Vedno več je otrok z odločbami, z vedenjskimi težavami, zmanjšanimi kognitivnimi sposobnostmi, vedno več je duševnih stisk, psihosomatskih obolenj, občutkov nesmisla, motenj hranjenja, agresivnosti in težav v duševnem zdravju.

Vzrokov za tovrstno stanje je več. V tej raziskavi sta v ospredju dva: 1. »strokovnjaki«, ki niso vpeti v prakso, v konkretno delo z otroci in mladostniki – njihovo svetovanje in poučevanje je utemeljeno zgolj na prebrani literaturi drugih avtorjev in različnih teorijah. Posledično ne znajo upoštevati vseh specifik in »parametrov« problematike ter otroka obravnavati, kot posameznika (unikum) in individuuma. Pogosto se tudi spregleda pomembnost celotne družinske dinamike. 2. Redukcionistični pristop na področju stroke, kar se navezuje na prvi vzrok. Otroka se ne dojema in obravnava kot celovitega bitja telesne, duševne in duhovne razsežnosti, ampak se v ospredje postavlja zgolj določene kognitivne značilnosti.

Ena izmed rešitev je holistična pedagogika, ki ima v ospredju celostni pristop in je zasnovana na antropološki zasnovi eksistencialne analize/logoterapije. V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati pregledne znanstvene analize s področja logopedagogike in eksistencialne pedagogike. Vzgoja pomeni celoviti razvoj osebe, ker se le tako lahko otrok uravnoteženo razvija na kognitivni, emocionalni, telesni, duhovni, socialni in vrednostni ravni. Temeljna naloga vzgoje je pot k samostojnosti in odgovornosti.

Ugotavljamo, da je nujno potrebno, da bi spoznanja logopedagogike implementirali na področje vzgoje in izobraževanja. S temi znanji in veščinami bi otrokom in mladostnikom pomagali pri iskanju smisla, pri celovitem razvoju njihove osebnosti, pri izgradnji njihove samopodobe, samozavesti in identitete ter jih naučili samostojnosti in odgovornosti.

Ključne besede: logopedagogika, logoterapija, eksistencialna pedagogika, vzgoja, izobraževanje


In the field of education, it has been noticed for several years that an extraordinary number of dif-ferent books and publications are published, online forums are flooded with educational topics, and there is a lot of advice and recommendations. There is an endless number of different “ex-per ts” who share instant solutions to all educational problems. At the same time, it is obser ved that there are more and more educational problems, that parents and professionals are increas-ingly confused and insecure in their work. Children are increasingly dependent and irresponsible. There are more and more children with special education needs guidance decisions, behavioural problems, reduced cognitive abilities, there are more and more mental distress, psychosomatic illnesses, feelings of meaningless, eating disorders, aggression, and mental health problems.

There are several reasons for this condition. In this research, two things are at the forefront: 1. “exper ts” who are not involved in the practice, in concrete work with children and adolescents – their counselling and teaching are based solely on the read literature of other authors and var-ious theories. As a result, they do not know how to consider all the specifics and “parameters” of the problem/child, as an individual (unique) and an individuum, as well as the entire family dy-namics. 2. a reductionist approach in the field of the profession, which relates to the first cause. The child is not perceived and treated as a whole being of a physical, mental and spiritual dimension. But only cer tain cognitive characteristics come to the fore.

One of the solutions is holistic pedagogy, which focuses on an integrated approach and is based on the anthropological concept of existential analysis/logotherapy. The paper presents the re-sults of a review scientific analysis in the field of logopedagogy and existential pedagogy. Edu-cation means the holistic development of a person, because only in this way can a child develop in a balanced way on a cognitive, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and value level. The basic task of education is the path to independence and responsibility.

We find that it is necessary to implement the findings of logopedagogy in the field of education. With this knowledge and skills, we would help children and adolescents to find meaning, to de-velop their personalities comprehensively, to build their self-image and self-confidence, identi-ty, and to teach them independence and responsibility.

Keywords: logopedagogy, logotherapy, existential pedagogy, education

In convallis – dolor turpis a feugiat facilisis. Morbi iaculis erat posuere, congue neque in, dapibus dui.

Client: Seven Media Group

Category: Product Design

Date: June 2019

Sellus honcus ornare sapien, et laoreet nisi malesuada eu tempus dictum. Morbi eu rutrum risus, vel vulputate odio dictum purus vel condimentum.

Proin condimentum congue tellus, sit amet rutrum augue interdum quis. Ut sollicitudin ligula id dui elementum, non blandit odio rhoncus.

Ut sit amet semper ligula
Lorem ipsum
Donec facilisis mi a lacus
Sellus honcus ornare

Ut sollicitudin ligula id dui elementum, non blandit odio rhoncus. Donec facilisis mi a lacus elementumrhoncus. Nullam placerat tristique porta.

MARKUŠ, Nina, KRISTOVIČ, Sebastjan. Logopedagogika in eksistencialna pedagogika v vzgoji in izobraževanju = Logopedagogy and existential pedagogy in the educational system. V: KRISTOVIČ, Sebastjan (ur.). Holistični vzgojno-izobraževalni proces in krepitev duševnega zdravja : zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih in strokovnih prispevkov : 8. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo Za človeka gre: relevanca znanosti in izobraževanja = Holistic educational process and strengthening of mental health : proceedings book with peer review on scientific and professional contributions : 8th Scientific Conference with International Participaton All About People: Relevance of Science and Education. 1. izd. Maribor: AMEU – ECM, Alma Mater Press, 2021. Str. 35-45. ISBN 978-961-6966-77-1.

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Nina Markuš
Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski center, Maribor

izr. prof. dr. Sebastjan Kristovič
Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski center, Maribor
