Permisivna paradigma, ki še vedno prevladuje v slovenskem vzgojno-izobraževalnem prostoru, se v največji meri osredotoča na otrokove želje in potrebe. Osnovno geslo permisivnosti je: »Vse za, in po meri, otroka«. Svet odraslih je tako prevzel vlogo nenehnega izpolnjevalca otrokovih želja in potreb. Posledično pa je izgubil izpred oči otroka kot celovito osebnost, njegove razvojne značilnosti, krepitev in razvoj otrokove osebnosti ter številne druge ključne vzgojne vidike.
Možgani, psihološka struktura, doživljanje in odnos do življenja se v največji možni meri izoblikujejo v prvih letih in zgodnjem obdobju odraščanja. Takrat se strukturirata identiteta in osebnost. To obdobje je tudi ključnega pomena za oblikovanje zdrave samopodobe, samozavesti in samospoštovanja. Gre za konstitutivne elemente človekove osebnosti, ki določajo vse kasnejše posameznikovo delovanje, vedenje, odnose, kakovost in smisel življenja. Prav zaradi tega je tako zelo pomembno, kako se samopodoba in samozavest razvijeta/oblikujeta.
V prispevku je preko fenomenološke, induktivno-deduktivne in analitično-sintezne metode predstavljena tesna povezava med permisivno vzgojo in negativnim oblikovanjem samopodobe ter samozavesti.
Ključne besede: logopedagogika, logoterapija, permisivna vzgoja, samopodoba, samozavest
The permissive paradigm, which still prevails in the Slovenian educational sphere, focuses large-ly on the child's wishes and needs. The basic motto of permissiveness is: "All for child, and cos-tumed for the child." The adult world has thus assumed the role of a constant fulfiller of the child's wishes and needs. As a result, adults lost the perception of the child being a whole personality, with its developmental characteristics, of strengthening and development of the child's personality, and of many other key educational aspects.
The brain structure, psychological structure, experiencing and attitudes towards life, world, people and ourselves are mostly shaped in childhood and early adulthood, in addition identity and personality are being structured throughout this period. Later is also crucial in building up the healthy self-image, self-esteem and self-respect. These are the constituent elements of the human personality that determine future functioning of individual, behaviour, relationships, quality and the meaning/sense of life. This is why it is of big importance how self-image and self-esteem develop/form.
In this paper, a close link between permissive education and the negative formation of self-im-age and self-esteem is presented through the phenomenological, inductive-deductive and ana-lytic-synthesis method.
Keywords: logopedagogy, logotherapy, permissive education, self-image, self-esteem